Course Registration
2025-2026 School Year
Hopkins High School offers a comprehensive academic program designed for students with differing abilities and goals, including Advanced Placement, College in the Schools, honors classes, language immersion, and vocational training opportunities and foundations classes.
Our students may elect to participate in internships, mentorships, community involvement programs, or independent study in addition to their regular coursework. College courses may be taken through Minnesota's Post-Secondary Educational Options (PSEO) Program.
We offer approximately 250 courses, either one, two, three or four terms in length. Below you can browse the various curriculum departments available at Hopkins High School.
If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the Hopkins High School Counseling Office at 952-988-4521.
Hopkins High School is on a 4-block schedule. Students take 4 classes per day. Students will have an Advisory period called Royals Connect which is a space for academic support, SEL lessons from Character Strong, and announcements and logistics from the school.
The school year is divided into four 9-week terms. Courses are offered in lengths of either 1 (9 weeks), 2 (18 weeks), 3 (27 weeks), or 4 (36 weeks) terms. Music and selected courses offered by other departments are held on an Alternating Blue/Silver Day schedule.
A student earns 1 credit toward graduation for each term/block equivalent of a course for which the student receives a passing grade. For courses that are 2 or 3 terms long, a grade is posted and a credit is earned after each term. Students do not earn credit for Royals Connect. Students should register for 16 credits and 3 alternate courses each year.
- Class of 2029 — Rising Freshmen: Alternating Blue/Silver Day Courses
- Class of 2028 — Rising Sophomores: Alternating Blue/Silver day course
- Classes of 2027 and 2026 — Rising Juniors and Seniors: Alternating Blue/Silver Day Courses
Class of 2029 — Rising Freshmen: Alternating Blue/Silver Day Courses
Curriculum offered on Blue/Silver Day Schedule
Musical performance ensembles and AVID 9, 10, 11, and 12 meet on an Alternating Blue/Silver Day schedule. On the opposite days, students can take a course listed below, participate in another music ensemble, or take a study hall.
For Freshmen*:
- AP European History
- AVID 9
- Earth Science
- Intermediate Algebra
- Geometry
- Language & Literature 9
- World History 9
- Royal Voices 9
- Royal Orchestra 9
- Royal Band 9
* Freshmen students in AVID and all sophomore music performance ensembles need to be sure to register for a class that will fit on the opposite day.
Students should register for the daily version of these courses. During the scheduling process students will be placed in an Alternating Blue/Silver Day course based on their requests, space availability, and section balance.
Not all of these courses will be offered. Enrollment will determine which courses are offered opposite music and AVID.
Class of 2028 — Rising Sophomores: Alternating Blue/Silver day course
Curriculum offered on Blue/Silver Day Schedule
Musical performance ensembles and AVID 10, 11, and 12 meet on an Alternating Blue/Silver Day schedule. On the opposite days, students can take a course listed below, participate in another music ensemble, or take a study hall.
For Sophomores*:
- Honors Perspectives in American Literature
- Modern US History
- Geometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Honors Biology
- AVID 10
- Concert Band
- Symphonic Band
- Concert Choir
- Sinfonia Orchestra
- Jazz I
* Sophomore students in AVID and all sophomore music performance ensembles need to be sure to register for a class that will fit on the opposite day.
Students should register for the daily version of these courses. During the scheduling process students will be placed in an Alternating Blue/Silver Day course based on their requests, space availability, and section balance.
Not all of these courses will be offered. Enrollment will determine which courses are offered opposite music and AVID.
Classes of 2027 and 2026 — Rising Juniors and Seniors: Alternating Blue/Silver Day Courses
Curriculum offered on Blue/Silver Day Schedule
Musical performance ensembles and AVID 10, 11, and 12 meet on an Alternating Blue/Silver Day schedule. On the opposite day, students can take a course listed below, participate in another music ensemble, or take a study hall.
For Juniors & Seniors *:
- Community Involvement
- Chemistry
- Personal Finance
- Health Science
- Pre-Calculus
- AVID 11
- AVID 12
- AP Language & Composition
- Wind Ensemble
- Symphonic Band
- Jazz Band
- Concert Choir
- Symphony Orchestra
- Philharmonic Orchestra
*Junior and senior students in AVID 11 and 12 and all junior/senior music performance ensembles need to be sure to register for a class that will fit on the opposite day.
Students should register for the daily version of these courses. During the scheduling process students will be placed in an Alternating Blue/Silver Day course based on their requests, space availability, and section balance.
Not all of these courses will be offered. Enrollment will determine which courses are offered opposite music and AVID.
Registration Calendar for 2025-2026 School Year
Jan. 27-Jan. 31 | High school shares registration information in Royals Connect. |
Jan. 28-29 | Counselors visit West Middle School to present registration information. |
Jan. 30-31 | Counselors visit North Middle School to present registration information. |
Feb. 5 | Registration Information Night |
Feb. 7 | Middle School Registration Window Deadline |
Feb. 14 | High School Registration Window Deadline |
More information about how to register for the 2025-26 school year is coming soon!
How to Register by Class
Rising Freshmen
Rising Freshman - Class of 2029
- Rising Freshman - Timeline
- Rising Freshman - Course Information Video
- Rising Freshmen - How to Register
Rising Freshman - Timeline
Student Information Sessions - January 2025
January 28 & 29, 2025 - HHS Counselors will visit West Middle School for a registration introduction for Rising 9th graders.
January 30 & 31, 2025 - HHS Counselors will visit North Middle School for a registration introduction for Rising 9th graders.
Registration Information Night - February 5, 2025
Please join us for Hopkins High School Registration Information Night. Attend information session hosted by counselors and department representatives.
Throughout the Registration Period January 28 - February 7, 2025
Hopkins High Counselors will be available to assist with registration and answer questions. Scholars may also schedule meetings with their counselors to map out their next year(s) schedule.
Schedules Shared with Scholars and Families - Summer 2025
Schedules will be created in summer 2025 and shared with scholars in August.
Rising Freshman - Course Information Video
Rising Freshmen - How to Register
After you have watched the "Course Information Video" above, continue on to next steps for how to register
View Instructions with Screenshots Here
Step 1
Log into the Infinite Campus Portal.
Step 2
If using a parent account, select the scholar that needs to register for classes at the high school. If you are using a scholar account, you will skip this step.
Step 3
Click Academic Plan from the menu on the left of the screen.
Step 4
Locate the column for the grade level you will be in for the 2025-2026 school year and begin adding courses to your Academic plan for each credit type (ie Language Arts, Sciences, General Elective Credits etc). Make sure to click the Save button at the top right of the Academic Plan as you are adding courses.
You can search for courses using the Search Bar at the top of the Academic Plan to view the course description and course requirements. You can search by course number or course name. You then have the option to Add to your Grade Level Plan or Add to Alternates as an alternate course option.
Step 5
Repeat step 4 until you've requested all of your courses.
Step 6
Make sure to enter all courses and electives for the 2025-2026 grade level. The Academic Plan will prompt you to enter all remaining years at Hopkins to better help you prepare your academic career and ensure you meet all graduation requirements. You are not required to enter or plan for courses beyond the 2025-2026 school year, but doing so will allow the Academic Plan to indicate if you're on track and meeting all requirements. If you choose NOT to plan for years beyond 2025-2026, you will see ALERTS and Credit Amounts showing in Red indicating not all course requirements for graduation have been met.
You can make changes to your Academic Plan until February 14, 2025. After that you will need to meet with your counselor to request changes to your Academic Plan until registration opens again next school year.
Step 7
At the bottom of the Academic Plan page make sure to choose at least 3 classes as alternates.
If we can't give you all of your requested classes, we will attempt to schedule you into one of your alternate choices
The first alternate entered is your first choice, the second entered is your second choice, and so on. You can rearrange the order by using the arrows to the right.
Step 8 — Finished!
When your Academic Plan indicates you have 16 credits total at the top of the column and you've met the graduations requirements for the 2025-2026 school year then you are finished!
Please contact your counselor.
Rising Sophomores
Rising Sophomores - Class of 2028
- Rising Sophomores - Timeline
- Rising Sophomores - Course Information Video
- Rising Sophomores - How to Register
Rising Sophomores - Timeline
How to Register and Registering - January 28 & 29, 2025
Scholars will watch a How to Register video during Royals Connect and will add courses to their Academic Plan in Infinite Campus.
Registration Information Night - February 5, 2025
Please join us for Hopkins High School Registration Information Night. Attend information session hosted by counselors and department representatives.
Throughout the Registration Period January 28 - February 14, 2025
Hopkins High Counselors will be available to assist with registration and answer questions. Scholars may also schedule meetings with their counselors to map out their next year(s) schedule.
Schedules Shared with Scholars and Families - Summer 2025
Schedules will be created in summer 2025 and shared with scholars in August.
Rising Sophomores - Course Information Video
Rising Sophomores - How to Register
After you have watched the "Course Information Video" above, continue on to next steps for how to register
Step 1
Log into the Infinite Campus Portal.
Step 2
If using a parent account, select the scholar that needs to register for classes at the high school. If you are using a scholar account, you will skip this step.
Step 3
Click Academic Plan from the menu on the left of the screen.
Step 4
Locate the column for the grade level you will be in for the 2025-2026 school year and begin adding courses to your Academic plan for each credit type (ie Language Arts, Sciences, General Elective Credits etc). Make sure to click the Save button at the top right of the Academic Plan as you are adding courses.
You can search for courses using the Search Bar at the top of the Academic Plan to view the course description and course requirements. You can search by course number or course name. You then have the option to Add to your Grade Level Plan or Add to Alternates as an alternate course option.
Step 5
Repeat step 4 until you've requested all of your courses.
Step 6
Make sure to enter all courses and electives for the 2025-2026 grade level. The Academic Plan will prompt you to enter all remaining years at Hopkins to better help you prepare your academic career and ensure you meet all graduation requirements. You are not required to enter or plan for courses beyond the 2025-2026 school year, but doing so will allow the Academic Plan to indicate if you're on track and meeting all requirements. If you choose NOT to plan for years beyond 2025-2026, you will see ALERTS and Credit Amounts showing in Red indicating not all course requirements for graduation have been met.
You can make changes to your Academic Plan until February 14, 2025. After that you will need to meet with your counselor to request changes to your Academic Plan until registration opens again next school year.
Step 7
At the bottom of the Academic Plan page make sure to choose at least 3 classes as alternates.
If we can't give you all of your requested classes, we will attempt to schedule you into one of your alternate choices
The first alternate entered is your first choice, the second entered is your second choice, and so on. You can rearrange the order by using the arrows to the right.
Step 8 — Finished!
When your Academic Plan indicates you have 16 credits total at the top of the column and you've met the graduations requirements for the 2025-2026 school year then you are finished!
Please contact your counselor.
Rising Juniors
Rising Juniors - Class of 2027
- Rising Juniors - Timeline
- Rising Juniors - Course Information Video
- Rising Juniors - How to Register
Rising Juniors - Timeline
How to Register and Registering - January 28 & 29, 2025
Scholars will watch a How to Register video during Royals Connect and will add courses to their Academic Plan in Infinite Campus.
Registration Information Night - February 5, 2025
Please join us for Hopkins High School Registration Information Night. Attend information session hosted by counselors and department representatives.
Throughout the Registration Period January 28 - February 14, 2025
Hopkins High Counselors will be available to assist with registration and answer questions. Scholars may also schedule meetings with their counselors to map out their next year(s) schedule.
Schedules Shared with Scholars and Families - Summer 2025
Schedules will be created in summer 2025 and shared with scholars in August.
Rising Juniors - Course Information Video
Rising Juniors - How to Register
After you have watched the "Course Information Video" above, continue on to next steps for how to register
Step 1
Log into the Infinite Campus Portal.
Step 2
If using a parent account, select the scholar that needs to register for classes at the high school. If you are using a scholar account, you will skip this step.
Step 3
Click Academic Plan from the menu on the left of the screen.
Step 4
Locate the column for the grade level you will be in for the 2025-2026 school year and begin adding courses to your Academic plan for each credit type (ie Language Arts, Sciences, General Elective Credits etc). Make sure to click the Save button at the top right of the Academic Plan as you are adding courses.
You can search for courses using the Search Bar at the top of the Academic Plan to view the course description and course requirements. You can search by course number or course name. You then have the option to Add to your Grade Level Plan or Add to Alternates as an alternate course option.
Step 5
Repeat step 4 until you've requested all of your courses.
Step 6
Make sure to enter all courses and electives for the 2025-2026 grade level. The Academic Plan will prompt you to enter all remaining years at Hopkins to better help you prepare your academic career and ensure you meet all graduation requirements. You are not required to enter or plan for courses beyond the 2025-2026 school year, but doing so will allow the Academic Plan to indicate if you're on track and meeting all requirements. If you choose NOT to plan for years beyond 2025-2026, you will see ALERTS and Credit Amounts showing in Red indicating not all course requirements for graduation have been met.
You can make changes to your Academic Plan until February 14, 2025. After that you will need to meet with your counselor to request changes to your Academic Plan until registration opens again next school year.
Step 7
At the bottom of the Academic Plan page make sure to choose at least 3 classes as alternates.
If we can't give you all of your requested classes, we will attempt to schedule you into one of your alternate choices
The first alternate entered is your first choice, the second entered is your second choice, and so on. You can rearrange the order by using the arrows to the right.
Step 8 — Finished!
When your Academic Plan indicates you have 16 credits total at the top of the column and you've met the graduations requirements for the 2025-2026 school year then you are finished!
Please contact your counselor.
Rising Seniors
Rising Seniors - Class of 2026
- Rising Seniors - Timeline
- Rising Seniors - Course Information Video
- Rising Seniors - How to Register
Rising Seniors - Timeline
How to Register and Registering - January 28 & 29, 2025
Scholars will watch a How to Register video during Royals Connect and will add courses to their Academic Plan in Infinite Campus.
Registration Information Night - February 5, 2025
Please join us for Hopkins High School Registration Information Night. Attend information session hosted by counselors and department representatives.
Throughout the Registration Period January 28 - February 14, 2025
Hopkins High Counselors will be available to assist with registration and answer questions. Scholars may also schedule meetings with their counselors to map out their next year(s) schedule.
Schedules Shared with Scholars and Families - Summer 2025
Schedules will be created in summer 2025 and shared with scholars in August.
Rising Seniors - Course Information Video
Rising Seniors - How to Register
After you have watched the "Course Information Video" above, continue on to next steps for how to register
Step 1
Log into the Infinite Campus Portal.
Step 2
If using a parent account, select the scholar that needs to register for classes at the high school. If you are using a scholar account, you will skip this step.
Step 3
Click Academic Plan from the menu on the left of the screen.
Step 4
Locate the column for the grade level you will be in for the 2025-2026 school year and begin adding courses to your Academic plan for each credit type (ie Language Arts, Sciences, General Elective Credits etc). Make sure to click the Save button at the top right of the Academic Plan as you are adding courses.
You can search for courses using the Search Bar at the top of the Academic Plan to view the course description and course requirements. You can search by course number or course name. You then have the option to Add to your Grade Level Plan or Add to Alternates as an alternate course option.
Step 5
Repeat step 4 until you've requested all of your courses.
Step 6
Make sure to enter all courses and electives for the 2025-2026 grade level. The Academic Plan will prompt you to enter all remaining years at Hopkins to better help you prepare your academic career and ensure you meet all graduation requirements. You are not required to enter or plan for courses beyond the 2025-2026 school year, but doing so will allow the Academic Plan to indicate if you're on track and meeting all requirements. If you choose NOT to plan for years beyond 2025-2026, you will see ALERTS and Credit Amounts showing in Red indicating not all course requirements for graduation have been met.
You can make changes to your Academic Plan until February 14, 2025. After that you will need to meet with your counselor to request changes to your Academic Plan until registration opens again next school year.
Step 7
At the bottom of the Academic Plan page make sure to choose at least 3 classes as alternates.
If we can't give you all of your requested classes, we will attempt to schedule you into one of your alternate choices
The first alternate entered is your first choice, the second entered is your second choice, and so on. You can rearrange the order by using the arrows to the right.
Step 8 — Finished!
When your Academic Plan indicates you have 16 credits total at the top of the column and you've met the graduations requirements for the 2025-2026 school year then you are finished!
Please contact your counselor.
- Out of School Learning Opportunities (Internships, Apprenticeships, and Career Connections)
- Arts
- Business, Marketing & Law
- College Readiness
- English Learners
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Health Science
- Hennepin Technical College Pathways
- Hopkins Creates! (HC)
- Journalism
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Music Education
- Physical Education
- Sciences
- Social Studies
- Special Education Services
- Technology Education
- Video Production & Film
- World Language
Out of School Learning Opportunities (Internships, Apprenticeships, and Career Connections)
About Out of School Learning Opportunities
A variety of courses that support scholars in building skills for their futures.
- 2 Terms
- 1 Credit
- Application Process
- 4 terms / 8 General Elective credits
- P / NC – Ø GPA
- Application Process
- 4 terms / 8 General Elective credits
- P / NC – Ø GPA
- Application Process
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 4 terms / 8 General Elective credits
- P / NC – Ø GPA
- Application Process
- 4 terms / 4 General Elective credits
- Application process, placement by program coordinator
About Arts Education
20 credits of General Electives are required for graduation. The Arts Department offers a variety of options to meet these requirements.
2 Credits of Fine Arts are required for graduation. Fine Arts credits are available in the Art and Music departments.
Drawing & Painting | Drawing & Painting 1 Drawing & Painting 2 Drawing & Painting 3 Drawing & Painting Advanced Studio AP Drawing & Painting Portfolio |
Graphic Design | Graphic Design 1 Graphic Design 2 Graphic Design Advanced Studio AP Photography/Graphic Design |
Ceramics | Ceramics 1 Ceramics 2 Ceramics 3 Ceramics Advanced Studio AP Ceramics Portfolio |
Jewelry & Metal-smithing | Jewelry & Metal-smithing 1 Jewelry & Metal-smithing 2 Jewelry & Metal-smithing 3 Jewelry & Metal-smithing Advanced Studio Jewelry & Metal-smithing Portfolio |
Photography & Web Design | Photography & Web Design 1 Photography 2 Web Design 2 AP Photography/Graphic Design |
Animation | Animation 1 Animation 2 |
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Prerequisite – Photography & Web Design 1
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite: Photography & Web Design 1
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 elective credit
- Prerequisite: Animation I
- 2 terms / 2 Fine Arts credits
- Prerequisite - Web Design/Photography 1 and Photography 2 or Graphic Design 1 & 2
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Prerequisite - Drawing & Painting 1
- Students are asked to purchase a canvas (approximately 2' x 3')
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Recommended for junior and seniors
- Prerequisite - Drawing & Painting 2
- Students are asked to purchase a canvas (approximately 2' x 3'), and provide some tools and materials
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Recommended for juniors and seniors
- Prerequisite – Drawing & Painting 3
- Students are asked to provide some tools and materials
- 4 terms / 4 Fine Arts credits
- Recommended for seniors
- Prerequisite – Drawing & Painting 3 or permission from instructor
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts graduation requirement
- Prerequisite – Ceramics 1
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Recommended for juniors and seniors
- Prerequisite – Ceramics 2
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Recommended for juniors and seniors
- Prerequisite - Ceramics 3
- 4 terms / 4 Fine Arts credits
- Recommended for seniors
- Prerequisite – Ceramics 3 or permission from the instructor
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Prerequisite – Jewelry & Metalsmithing 1
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Recommended for juniors and seniors
- Prerequisite – Jewelry & Metalsmithing 2
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Recommended for juniors and seniors
- Prerequisite – Jewelry & Metalsmithing 3
- 4 terms / 4 Fine Arts credits
- Recommended for seniors
- Prerequisite – Jewelry & Metalsmithing 3 or permission from the instructor
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Prerequisite – Graphic Design 1
- This course may be repeated in the same year for additional credit
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Prerequisite – Graphic Design 2
Business, Marketing & Law
About Business, Marketing & Law
The Business, Marketing & Law Department offers a variety of courses. Please note that 1 credit of Personal Finance is required for graduation.
Business, Marketing & Law Resources
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 Personal Finance credit
- Offered everyday and alternating days opposite junior and senior AVID and music performance ensemble students
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
College Readiness
These courses are designed to help scholars prepare for success college.
- 1 Term/1 General Elective Credit
- Prerequisite - this course is for non-AVID students who do NOT have their college essay drafted before the class begins. You must be on-track to graduate and not in need of required core courses.
- 4 terms alternating day / 2 General Elective credits.
- Application process, placement by program coordinator
- For those students already in AVID, please register for your appropriate grade level AVID Course. If you are not in AVID, please visit or email Ms. Heimlich at to apply.
English Learners
About courses for English Learners
These courses are offered only for students who are native speakers of a language other than English, who are continuing to improve and perfect their English skills. The EL curriculum covers five skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar, and cultural enrichment. Students are placed in the appropriate classes following a computer-based test and an interview with a teacher. The ultimate goal for the multilingual EL student is to gain academic English proficiency and take a fully mainstream schedule without the need for EL support.
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Placement by program coordinator
- 1 terms / 1 General Elective credits
- Placement by program coordinator
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Placement by program coordinator
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Placement by program coordinator
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Placement by program coordinator
Family & Consumer Sciences
About Family & Consumer Sciences
Our mission in family consumer sciences is to prepare students for life: family life, life in college, independent living, and career life while educating them to identify and create alternative solutions to significant everyday challenges and to take responsibility of their actions in an ever-changing world. Family and Consumer Sciences is an academic discipline that focuses on science and the art of living and working well together. It combines characteristics of social and natural science, as well as the arts. Family and consumer sciences classes will explore cooking, hospitality, tourism, human and child development, textiles, housing and interior design. Classes are taught as electives and most are a one term class that will meet requirements for graduation. Our courses assist students in the transfer of reading, writing and math to real life through a variety of courses that prepare scholars for the future.
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- This course is required before taking Culinary 102 or 103.
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Culinary 101 (Culinary Arts at the Junior High does not fulfill this pre-requisite.)
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Recommended for juniors and seniors
- Prerequisite – Culinary 101 and Culinary 102
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Recommended for seniors
Health Science
About Health Science
1.5 credits of Health Science are required for graduation:
- .5 credit of Health & PE 9 — taken in 9th grade (This course will earn .5 credit of Health and .5 credit of PE for a total of 1 full credit)
- 1 credit of Health Science — taken in 11th or 12th grade
Health Science Resources
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Application process (link to application)
- Recommended for juniors and seniors
- Prerequisites – Science 9 and Honors Biology, and passed or concurrently taking an additional Science course
- 1 Term / 1 General Elective Credit
- This class will be offered as concurrent enrollment through North Hennepin Community College
- Required
- 1 Term/1 Health & PE (0.5 cr of Health and 0.5 cr of PE for 1 full credit)
- Required
- 1 term / 1 Health Science credit
- Offered everyday and alternating days opposite junior and senior AVID and music performance ensemble students
- Limited to juniors and seniors
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite - Health 9
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- There is a $10 fee for this course
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 2 Terms / 2 General Elective Credits
- This will be offered through Hennepin Technical College as a concurrent enrollment class
Course Requirements:
- Purchase own medical scrubs, transfer belt, and pass a background check
- Complete a minimum of 16 clinical hours at a long-term care facility (this will be completed during the course and is not a prerequisite)
- Students need to be at least 16 years old two weeks prior to the completion of the course
- 1 Term / 1 General Elective Credit
Hennepin Technical College Pathways
About Hennepin Technical College Pathways
Through an agreement with District 287, HHS students are able to take Hennepin Technical Pathways Courses at Hennepin Technical College. These courses are designed to match each student’s level of career readiness by focusing on career skill development experiences and decision-making.
2023-2024 Pathways Registration Guide
Hennepin Technical College - All Courses 070023:
- 2 blocks / 2 terms / 3 General Elective credits
- application process
- students attend HTC for 2 consecutive terms / 2 blocks each day to earn 3 credits
More Hennepin Technical College Pathways Information
All Hennepin Technical College classes are held at the Eden Prairie Campus: 13100 College View Drive, Eden Prairie.
On Monday January 31, 2022, there will be a Google Meet Information Session with the Principal of the Pathways program, Joe Millard. Please click the link below to join this Google Meet. Please note that this information session is only available 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
HTC Pathways Registration Information Session
Through an agreement with District 287, HHS students are able to take Hennepin Technical Pathways Courses at Hennepin Technical College. These courses are designed to match each student’s level of career readiness by focusing on career skill development experiences and decision-making. After successfully completing a related Career Course, students may continue their education by enrolling in college major courses at HTC. College major courses can lead students toward a degree, diploma, or certificate.
Students attend HTC during the school day, Monday through Friday, for 2 consecutive terms and 2 blocks each day to earn 3 credits. Transportation is provided for 12:35 classes. Students attending courses at other times are responsible for their own transportation. Additional information and a complete listing of HTC courses with descriptions and schedule details is available in the HHS Counseling Office, and accessible online at the HTC website at
HTC Registration Information Guide
Students interested in taking courses at HTC must meet with an HHS school counselor to complete the HTC enrollment and registration forms.
Interested students should complete the application linked below and return it to their school counselor. Questions? Email your counselor.
- Fall Semester
- 8:30 - 10:10 a.m
- Fall Semester
- 10:25 - 12:05 p.m.
- Fall Semester
- 12:35 - 2:15 p.m.
- Spring Semester
- 8:30 - 10:10 a.m
- Spring Semester
- 10:25 - 12:05 p.m.
- Spring Semester
- 12:35 - 2:15 p.m.
- 2 blocks / 2 terms / 3 General Elective credits
- Application process
- Students attend HTC for 2 consecutive terms / 2 blocks each day to earn 3 credits
- Fall Semester
- A12:35pm - 2:15pm
- Prerequisite - HHS Culinary 101
- There is a lab fee for this course
- Spring Semester
- 12:35pm - 2:15pm
- Suggested prerequisite but not required - HHS Culinary 101
- There is a lab fee for this course
- Fall or Spring Semester
- 8:00am - 9:40am or 10:00am - 11:40am
- Prerequisite - HHS Senior Strategies/#Adulting
- No HTC articulated credit is available for this course
- There is a lab fee for this course
- Fall or Spring Semester
- 10:25am - 12:05pm and 12:35pm - 2:15pm
- Prerequisite - HHS Exploration of the Medical Fields
- Fall or Spring Semester
- 8:30am - 10:10am
- Prerequisite - HHS Exploration of the Medical Fields
- Fall or Spring Semester
- 8:30am - 10:10am
- Prerequisite - HHS Exploration of the Medical Fields
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Prerequisite - students must pass a background check and one of the following: MCA II score of 1050, GRAD score of 50, MAP RT score of 220, Accuplacer score of 56/60, or 8th Grade Reading Level
- There is a lab fee for this course
- Fall and Spring Semester
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Prerequisite - HHS Information Technology 1
- Fall Semester
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Prerequisite - HHS Energy/Power/Transportation
- There is a lab fee for this course
- Spring Semester
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Prerequisite - HHS Energy/Power/Transportation
- There is a lab fee for this course
- Fall or Spring Semester (Instructor Approval)
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Prerequisite – must have completed both Fall and Spring Semesters of Auto Body Repair courses
- There is a lab fee for this course
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Prerequisite - HHS Energy/Power/Transportation
- There is a lab fee for this course
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Fall Semester is NOT a prerequisite for Spring Semester
- Prerequisite - HHS Energy/Power/Transportation
- There is a lab fee for this course
- Fall and Spring Semesters
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Prerequisite - HHS Energy/Power/Transportation
- Fall and Spring Semesters
- 8:30am – 10:10am, 10:25am – 12:05pm, 12:35pm – 2:15pm
- Prerequisite – Outdoor Motor Sports / Power Equipment 1
- Fall and Spring Semesters
- 8:30am - 10:10am
- Prerequisite - HHS Energy/Power/Transportation
Hopkins Creates! (HC)
About Hopkins Creates! (HC)
The Hopkins Creates Program offers students smaller class sizes, a safe and inclusive community, curriculum based on student interest, social and emotional support, and authentic relationships with teachers and peers. HC will use a Project Based Learning and Seminar model to promote student freedom and agency with the goal of creating independent learners. Our classes utilize flexible grading policies, including the ability to earn partial credit, no penalties for late work, and no homework. Members of this program are: Scholars who need a smaller community to feel part of of the larger school community Scholars who need to experience school differently than they can in mainstream classrooms Scholars who want or need to reimagine themselves as learners Scholars who are willing to to take ownership of their education and learning.
There are no required courses in Hopkins Creates. We encourage any student interested in the program to Enroll in the HC Tutorial. Our classes can help meet general electives and some required credits depending on your choices.
Students who are interested in joining the HC community should contact their counselor.
Hopkins Creates! (HC) Mission Statement & Core Values
Hopkins Creates! Mission Statement and Core Values
The Hopkins Creates! program provides equitable opportunities that support learners and empower our community as we speak truth to power and work toward social justice.
Student-centered — we validate and affirm student experiences
Safety — we teach and practice inclusion and tolerance
Integrity — we practice responsible decision-making
Collegiality — we nurture healthy relationships
Alternative Approaches
Innovation — we create curriculum and policies driven by student need and interest
Solutions — we assist in student academic, social, and emotional growth
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies credit
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies credit
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies credit
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies credit
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies credit
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies elective or US History credit
- HC Geometry - 973222
- HC Algebra 2 - 973322
- HC Biology - 974022
- HC Physics - 974222
- HC Health Science - 975111
- HC Personal Finance - 977111
- HC Chemistry - 974122
About Journalism
The journalism classes are a sequential program, but, most often, first year (Level One) and returning staffers (Level Two) are in the same classes.
Scholars who have never taken a newspaper or yearbook class at the high school should register for the "Level One" class. Those interested in taking multiple terms should then also register for one (or several) of the "Level Two" classes.
Scholars who have already been on the newspaper or yearbook staff should register for any combination of the "Level Two" classes.
Journalism Resources
- 1 Term / 1 General Electives Credit
- 1 Term / 1 General Electives Credit
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives Credits
- 4 Terms / 4 General Electives Credits
- 1 Term / 1 General Electives Credit
- 1 Term / 1 General Electives Credit
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives Credits
- 4 Terms / 4 General Electives Credits
Language Arts
About Language Arts
8 credits of Language Arts are required for graduation:
- 2 credits of English 9 — taken in 9th grade
- 2 credits of American Literature — 10th grade
- 1 credit of Global Literature — 11th grade
- 1 credit of Writing — 11th grade
- 2 credits of Language Arts electives — 12th grade
Note: Taking any sophomore Language Arts class, AP Language and Composition, and AP Literature and Composition all together cover the required ELA courses in grades 10-12. Scholars who take AP Literature will meet the Global Lit requirement.
Eight Language Arts credits are required for graduation: | ||
Freshmen: |
Language & Literature 9 - 101022 |
Sophomores: Two credits of American Literature are required for graduation. |
Perspectives in American Literature - 104022 2 terms / 2 credits |
Honors Perspectives in American Literature - 106022 ** 2 terms / 2 credits |
Juniors: One credit of Global Literature is required for graduation. Scholars who take AP Literature will meet the Global Literature requirement. |
Global Literature - 114011 1 term / 1 credit |
Honors Global Literature - 116011 1 term / 1 credit |
Juniors: One credit of Academic Writing is required for graduation. |
Academic Research and Writing - 114511 1 term / 1 credit |
AP Language and Composition - 118522 ** 2 terms / 2 credits (1 Academic Writing credit, 1 Language Arts Elective credit) |
Seniors: Two credits of Language Arts Electives are required for graduation. |
Modern Nonfiction - 124111 1 term / 1 credit |
Honors Humanities - 126222 2 terms / 2 credits |
Mythology - 124211 1 term / 1 credit |
Creative Writing - 124311 1 term / 1 credit |
AP English — Literature & Composition - 128022 ** 2 terms / 2 credits (1 Global Literature credit, 1 Language Arts Elective credit) |
Black Literature - 114111 1 term / 1 credit |
Language Arts Resources
Frequently asked questions for rising sophomores / slideshow for rising sophomores
Frequently asked questions for rising juniors / slideshow for rising juniors
Frequently asked questions for rising seniors / slideshow for rising seniors
Video about AP Language and Composition
Video about AP Literature and Composition
Video about Honors Humanities
- 2 Terms/2 English 9 Credits
- 2 terms / 2 American Literature credits
- Prerequisite – Language & Literature 9
- 2 terms / 2 American Literature credits
- Prerequisite - Language & Literature 9
- Offered everyday and alternating days opposite sophomore AVID, XinXing 4, and music performance ensemble students
- 1 term / 1 Global Literature credit
- Prerequisite – American Literature
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Sophomore American Literature and Junior Writing
- 1 term / 1 Global Literature credit
- Prerequisite – Sophomore American Literature
- 1 term / 1 Academic Writing credit
- Prerequisite – American Literature
- 2 terms / 1 Academic Writing & 1 Language Arts Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Perspectives in American Literature
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Sophomore American Literature and Junior Writing
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Sophomore American Literature and Junior Writing
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Sophomore American Literature and Junior Writing
- 2 terms / 2 Language Arts Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Sophomore American Literature and Junior Writing
- 2 terms / 1 Global Literature & 1 Language Arts Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Sophomore American Literature and Junior Writing
- 1 term / 1 general elective credit
- 1 term / 1 general elective credit
- Prerequisite - Intro to Acting 1
About Mathematics
Graduation Requirement: 6 Math Credits
Students can take electives during grades 9-12 and can take more than the required 6 credits.
- Pre-Calculus: Recommended B or higher in Algebra 2
- AP Calculus AB: Recommended B or higher in Pre-Calculus
- Data Science & Statistics: Can be taken anytime 9-12 after Algebra 2
- College Algebra Prep: Intended for those that earned lower than a B in Algebra 2
- AP Stats: Can be taken anytime 9-12 after Pre-Calc
*It is highly recommended to take both AP Calc AB &BC in the same year.
Many Colleges require 8 credits in Math
Mathematics Resources
Frequently asked questions about math
Math slideshow
Students taking Intermediate Algebra can then take Geometry Essentials by placement or Geometry, then Algebra 2 Essentials by placement or Algebra 2.
Students taking Algebra 2 can then take Functions, Statistics and Trigonometry, Data Science & Statistics, and/or Pre-Calculus.
Students taking Pre-Calculus can then take Calculus, AP Statistics, and/or AP Calculus AB.
Students taking AP Calculus AB can then take AP Calculus BC, followed by Multivariable Calculus.
- 2 Terms / 2 Math Credits
- Prerequisite - Algebra 1
- 2 Terms / 2 Math Electives Credits
- 2 terms / 2 Geometry credits - required
- Prerequisite – Intermediate Algebra
- 2 terms / 2 Algebra 2 credits - required
- Prerequisite – Geometry or Geometry Essentials
- 2 terms / 2 Mathematics credits
- Prerequisite – Algebra 2 and Geometry
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 Essentials
- 2 terms / 2 Mathematics credits
- Offered every day as well as alternating days opposite sophomore AVID, XinXing 4, and music performance ensemble students
- Recommendation – grade of B or higher in Geometry and Algebra 2, or passed Intro to Pre Calculus or College Algebra Prep
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Pre Calculus
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Pre Calculus or teacher recommendation
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Pre Calculus
- Recommendation – grade of B or higher in Pre Calculus or passed Calculus
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – AP Calculus AB
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC
Music Education
About Music Education
2 Credits of Fine Arts are required for graduation. Fine Arts credits are available in the Music and Art departments
Musical performance ensembles meet on a Alternating Blue/Silver Day schedule. Please refer to the "Alternating Blue/Silver Day Courses" tab to review options for the alternate days by clicking the button below.
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- There is a $20 fee to cover guitar maintenance
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Prerequisite – Guitar 1 or prior guitar experience
- There is a $20 fee to cover guitar maintenance
- 1 Term/1 Fine Arts Credit
- No prerequisite
- Instrument rental available through Hopkins Schools or through area music stores
- $20 fee
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- Prerequisite: Piano 1 or instructor approval
- 1 term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- 1 Term / 1 Fine Arts Credit
- 1 Term / 1 Fine Arts credit
- 1 Term / 1 Fine Credit
- 9th grade
- Alternating Day Schedule, 5 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credit
- Prerequisite: prior playing experience, or placement conversation with director
- There is a $50 fee for uniform rental and supply. Instrument rental available.
- 9th Grade SATB voices
- Alternating Day Schedule
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite: Consultation with current director OR recommendation from Middle School choir director before placement
- 9th grade musicians
- Alternating Day Schedule, 3 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms/ 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior orchestra experience, or consultation with current director before placement
- There is a $50 fee for uniform rental and supply. Instrument rental available
- 10th grade
- Alternating Day Schedule, 5 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior band experience, or consultation with current director before placement
- There is a $50 fee for uniform rental and supply. Instrument rental available.
- 10th - 12th Grade TREBLE voices
- Alternating Days
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite: Audition with current director before placement
- 10th grade musicians
- Alternating Day Schedule, 3 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior orchestra experience, or consultation with current director before placement
- There is a $50 fee for uniform rental and supply. Instrument rental available.
- 10th – 12th grade musicians
- Alternating Day Schedule, 5 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior band experience, or consultation with current director before placement
- There is a $50 fee for uniform rental and supply. Instrument rental available
- 10th - 12th grade SATB voices
- Alternating day schedule
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- No prior vocal experience needed
- 11th – 12th grade musicians
- Alternating Day Schedule, 4 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior orchestra experience, or consultation with current director before placement
- There is a $50 fee for uniform rental and supply. Instrument rental available
- 11th – 12th grade musicians
- Alternating Day Schedule, 5 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior band experience, or consultation with current director before placement
- There is a $50 fee for uniform rental and supply. Instrument rental available
- 10th – 12th grade SATB voices
- Alternating Day Schedule
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior vocal experience AND audition with current director before placement
- Auditioned 11th and 12th grade musicians
- Alternating Day Schedule, 5 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior orchestra experience and audition with current director before placement
- There is a $50 fee for uniform rental and supply. Instrument rental available.
- 10th – 12th grade musicians
- Alternating Day Schedule, 5 concerts over the course of the year
- 4 Terms / 2 Fine Arts Credits
- Prerequisite – prior jazz experience, or consultation with current director before placement
Physical Education
About Physical Education
1.5 credit of Physical Education are required for graduation:
- .5 credit of Health & PE 9 — taken in 9th grade (This course will earn .5 credit of Health and .5 credit of PE for a total of 1 full credit)
- 1 credit of PE 10 Personal Fitness — taken in 10th grade
All Physical Education Elective Courses can be repeated (even in the same year) for additional elective credits towards the Hopkins General Elective Graduation Requirements.
Physical Education Resources
- Required
- 1 Term/1 Health & PE (0.5 cr of Health and 0.5 cr of PE for 1 full credit)
- Required
- 1 term / 1 PE 10 Personal Fitness credit
- 1 term / 1 General Electives Credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Team and Dual Sports 2 is designed for 9th and 10th grade
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Team and Dual Sports 2 is designed for 11th and 12th grade
- 1 Term / 1 General Electives Credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- $46 fee
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite - Outdoor Adventures
- 1 Term / 1 General Elective Credit
About Sciences
6 credits of Science are required for graduation:
- 2 credits of Earth Science
- 2 credits of Biology
- 2 credits of Chemistry or Physics
Prerequisite - Completion of Earth Science and/or Physical Science 9 is a prerequisite for Biology, Honors Biology, and AP Biology.
Science Resources
Please note that some of our science courses are offered on an alternating year basis.
In the 2025-2026 school year, and then again in 2027-2028, we will offer:
AP Chemistry
In the 2026-2027 school year , and then again in 2028-2029, we will offer:
AP Physics 2
Six Science credits are required for graduation: | |||
Physical Science Program: |
Earth Science 9 - 440022 2 terms / 2 credits |
Biology Program: Two credits of Biology are required for graduation. |
Biology - 404022 2 terms / 2 credits |
Honors Biology - 406022 2 terms / 2 credits |
AP Biology and Honors Chemistry - 408044 4 terms / 4 credits |
Chemistry/Physics Program: Two credits of Chemistry or Two credits of Physics are required for graduation. |
Chemistry - 414022 |
Honors Chemistry - 416022 |
AP Chemistry - 418022
Physics Exploration - 422022 2 terms / 2 credits |
General Physics - 423022 2 terms / 2 credits |
AP Physics 1 - 428122 2 terms / 2 credits |
- Designed for 9th Grade
- 2 Term / 2 Science Elective Credits
- 2 terms / 2 Biology credits
- Prerequisite - Earth Science 9 or Physical Science 9
- 2 terms / 2 Biology credits
- Prerequisite - Earth Science 9 or Physical Science 9
- 4 terms / 2 Biology credits and 2 Chemistry credits
- 2 terms / 2 Biology credits
- Prerequisite – Physical Science 9 or Earth Science 9
- 2 terms / 2 Chemistry credits
- Offered everyday and alternating days opposite junior and senior AVID, XinXing 5 or 6, and music performance ensemble students
- Recommended prerequisite– Geometry or concurrently taking Geometry
- 2 terms / 2 Chemistry credits
- Recommended prerequisite– Geometry or concurrently taking Geometry
- 2 terms / 2 Chemistry credits
- Prerequisite – Chemistry or Honors Chemistry
- This course is taught on an alternating year basis. It will be taught in 25-26 and will be offered again in 27-28.
- 2 terms / 2 Physics credits
- 2 Terms / 2 Chemistry or Physics Credits
- Prerequisites: Algebra 2
- 2 Terms / 2 Chemistry or Physics Credits
- 2 terms / 2 Physics credits
- Prerequisite – AP Physics 1
- This course is taught on an alternating year basis. It was taught in 26-27 and will be offered again in 28-29
- 1 term / 1 Science Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 Science Elective credit
- 2 terms / 2 Science Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Honors Biology or AP Biology and Intermediate Algebra
- 2 terms / 2 Science Elective credits
Social Studies
About Social Studies
8 credits of Social Studies are required for graduation
For the Classes of 2025, 2026, and 2027:
- 2 credits of Civics — Grade 9
- 2 credits of U.S. History — Grade 10
- 2 credits of World History — Grade 11
- 2 credits of Social Studies electives — Grades 10, 11, or 12
For the Classes of 2028 and Beyond:
- 2 credits of World History — Grade 9
- 2 credits of U.S. History — Grade 10
- 2 credits of U.S. Government — Grade 11 or 12
- 2 credits of Social Studies Electives — Grade 10, 11, or 12
Social Studies Resources
- 2 terms / 2 World History credits
- 2 terms / 2 World History credits
- 2 terms / 2 World History credits
- 2 terms / 2 US History credits
- Offered everyday and alternating days opposite sophomore AVID and music performance ensemble students
- 2 terms / 2 US History credits
- Prerequisite - The completion of two credits of U.S. History
- Offered to grades 11 and 12
- 2 Terms / 2 Social Studies Elective Credits
- Students are welcome to take the AP Exam for credit in the 2024-25 school year
- 2 terms / 2 World History credits
- 2 terms / 2 World History credits
- 2 terms / 2 World History credits
- Offered to grades 9-12
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies elective credit
- Offered to grades 10-12
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies elective credit
- Offered to grades 11 and 12
- 2 terms / 2 Social Studies elective credits
- Offered everyday and alternating days opposite senior AVID and music performance ensemble students
- The NCAA Eligibility Center has not approved this course for students planning to compete in Div. I or Div. II intercollegiate athletics
- Offered to grades 10-12
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies elective credit
- Offered to grades 10-12
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies elective credit
- Offered to grades 9-12
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies elective credit
- Offered to grades 10-12
- 2 terms / 2 Social Studies elective credits
- 2 terms / 2 Social Studies elective credits
- Offered to grades 11 and 12
- 2 terms / 2 Social Studies elective credits
- Offered to grades 11 and 12
- 2 terms / 2 Social Studies elective credit
Special Education Services
About Special Education Services
This department offers a variety of course that prepare scholars for the future. Students can take courses in the COMPASS program, Links to Learning, and the Learning, Choices, Changes Program.
Special Education Program Offerings
- COMPASS Program
The COMPASS program is designed to help students with individualized educational needs in the areas of social/emotional, sensory, language and behavioral development. The goal of the COMPASS program is to assist each student learn the academic, social, emotional, sensory and communications skills to help them become as independent as possible. COMPASS focuses on developing functional reading, writing, and math skills, social communication, and transitional needs in a small structured environment with a high staff to student ratio. Students work according to their own learning style, utilizing their strengths to develop skills. COMPASS students also integrate into the mainstream environment in specified elective classes. Placement in the COMPASS program is through an IEP team.
- Links to Learning (LTL)
The Links to Learning Program (LTL) is designed to help scholars with individualized educational needs in reading, writing, mathematics, and social emotional learning. LTL classes are designed to provide direct instructional service to scholars to develop academic skills that will allow them to progress and gain access to general elective classes and develop post secondary options. LTL uses a two level approach, LTL1 and LTL2, to create a small structured environment that allows individuals to learn in a nurturing environment with a high staff to student ratio. Emphasis is placed on developing academic independence, socialization, and communication skills. individuals increase their confidence and develop strengths that allow them to access higher level classes and programming. LTL students utilize a schedule that includes both LTL classes and general education elective classes. Placement in the LTL 1 or LTL2 classes are through IEP team decision.
- Learning, Choices, Changes Program (LCC)
LCC is a cooperative project between Hopkins Public Schools Special Education Department and HHS. It provides an education aligned with mainstream classes and standards for students on an Individual Education Program (IEP). Students spend part of their day in LCC earning credits toward graduation through work on both behavior and academics. Students are systematically integrated into a variety of mainstream activities and courses. LCC allows students to earn credit towards graduation in a structured, individual, academic program earning regular report cards, grades, and diplomas. Students work according to their own learning style and areas of strength and interest. The screening committee determines which students are eligible based on specific program criteria.
1 term/.5 - 4 terms/2credits
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite - IEP
Placement by Program Coordinator only
1 term/.5 - 4 terms/2credits
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite - IEP
Placement by Program Coordinator only
1 credit/term
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite - IEP
Placement by program coordinator only
1 term/.5 - 4 terms/2credits
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite - IEP
Placement by Program Coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts Elective credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Mathematics credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies Elective credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Biology credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Math credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies Elective credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Elective credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Language Arts Elective credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Mathematics credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 Social Studies Elective credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
1 credit/term
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite - IEP
Placement by program coordinator only
1 credit/term
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite - IEP
Placement by program coordinator only
1 credit/term
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite - IEP
Placement by program coordinator only
1 credit/term
Grades - 9, 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite - IEP
Placement by program coordinator only
- 1 term / 1 PE 10 Personal Fitness credit
- Prerequisite – IEP
- Placement by program coordinator only
Technology Education
Technology Education
20 credits of General Electives are required for graduation. The Technology Education Department offers a variety of options to meet these requirements.
2 Credits of Fine Arts are required for graduation. Fine Arts credits are available in Technology Education’s Media Arts 2: Photography; AP Photography courses; and in the Art and Music departments.
Technology Education Resources
Technology Education informational document
Note: This document is a PDF. If you need a different version of this document for use with a screen reader or other accessibility device, please contact Hopkins High School at 952-988-4500.
- 2 term / 2 General Elective credits
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Application process (link to application)
- Recommended for juniors and seniors
- Prerequisites – Science 9 and Honors Biology, and passed or concurrently taking an additional Science course
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Media Arts 2: Photography or Web Design
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- This course is offered on a rotating basis and will be offered in the 25-26 school year and again in the 27-28 school year.
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- This course is offered every other year and will next be offered during the 2026-2027 school year
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Introduction to Engineering and Design
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Civil Engineering & Architecture
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Woodworking 2; Energy, Power, & Transportation 2; or Civil Engineering & Architecture
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Information Technology 1
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Computer Programming 1
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Information Technology 2; Computer Networking; or Computer Programming 2
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite - Woodworking 1
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite: Woodworking 1 and 2
Video Production & Film
About Video Production
The Video Production department is built around visual storytelling. This is a department where we watch films, create movies, work in groups, and analyze and tell stories for effect. In the filmmaking classes, Video Production 1-4, students learn the skills to write scripts, film, and edit movies. In Video 1, the focus is on camera shots and when to use them in basic videos. Video 2 projects cover advanced editing, the use of high-end cameras, and advanced technological effects. Video 3 explores genres while students plan a future film. Finally in Video 4, students create their own movies for an entire term. If you already have advanced skills, sign up for Video 1 and our video productions teacher will adapt the class to your level.
The critical viewing class, Film Studies, is where we watch as many films and clips as time allows so that students discover the way films create meaning. Understanding why and how a visual story affects viewers is the heart of this course. We watch movies in this class to do more than learn about a time period; the focus of the class is the cinematic techniques to affect an audience.
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- No Prerequisite
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Video Production 1
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Video Production 2
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – Video Production 3
- 1 term / 1 General Elective credit
- Prerequisite – must be a sophomore, junior or senior to take this course
World Language
About World Language
The Hopkins High School World Language Department offers a variety of courses in the following language groups: American Sign Language, French, Spanish, and Chinese.
World Language Resources
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Sophomore American Literature and Junior Writing
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – American Sign Language 1
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – American Sign Language 2
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – American Sign Language 3
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives Credits
- Prerequisite - None
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives Credits
- Prerequisite - French 1
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – French 2
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – French 3
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – French 4
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – French 5
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Spanish 1
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Spanish 2 or instructor consent
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Spanish 3 or instructor consent
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Spanish 4
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Spanish 5
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- Prerequisite: Juntos 2 or placement exam
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives Credits
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Juntos 3
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- Placement by program coordinator
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – Juntos 4 or instructor approval
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- Placement by program coordinator
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite - Spanish 6/CIS, Juntos 5/CIS or instructor consent
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite - Beginning Modern Chinese 1
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite - XinXing 3 / AP Chinese
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives Credits
- Prerequisite - Chinese 4
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- Placement by Program Coordinator
- 2 Terms / 2 General Electives Credits
- Prerequisites - Chinese immersion students or placement exam
- This course is ideal for students seeking to deepen their Chinese proficiency and cultural insight, providing a solid foundation for success on the AP Chinese Exam and beyond.
- Alternate Day (whole year course) / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – XinXing 3 AP Chinese Language and Culture
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- Placement by Program Coordinator
- Alternate Day (whole year course) / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – XinXing 4 / CIS CHN 3021
- Earns 5 U of MN credits
- Placement by Program Coordinator
- 2 terms / 2 General Elective credits
- Prerequisite – XinXing 5 / CIS CHN 3022
- Placement by Program Coordinator
- 1 Terms / 1 General Elective Credit
Credit Breakdown by Department |
Language Arts |
English 9 |
2 |
American Literature |
2 | |
Global Literature | 1 | |
Writing |
1 | |
Language Arts Electives | 2 | |
Social Studies (8 Credits) |
World History |
2 |
U.S. History |
2 | |
U.S. Government |
2 | |
Social Studies Electives |
2 | |
Mathematics (6 credits) |
Geometry |
2 |
Algebra 2 |
2 | |
Math Electives |
2 | |
Sciences |
Science 9 |
2 |
Biology |
2 | |
Chemistry or Physics |
2 | |
Health Science (1.5 credit) |
Health & PE 9 |
.5 |
Health Science | 1 | |
Physical Education (1.5 credits) |
Health & PE 9 |
.5 |
PE 10: Personalized Fitness | 1 | |
Financial Literacy (1 credit) |
Personal Finance |
1 |
Fine Arts (2 credits) |
Art or Music courses |
2 |
World Language (none required) |
(Any Language) |
none |
General Electives |
(All Electives) |
20 |
Total Credits Required for Graduation: |
54 |
Hopkins High School graduation requirements may not meet your college's admission requirements. |
Examples of college admission requirements
If you plan to pursue post-secondary education, please ensure that the courses you take at Hopkins High School prepare you for entering the education institution of your choice. For some examples of admission requirements at three universities in Minnesota, please click the links below to check that your high school courses meet the admission criteria.
Grading at Hopkins High School
All courses use the same grading curve as listed below. HHS calculates cumulative and term GPAs on a 4.0 unweighted scale.
Minimum |
Letter Grades | GPA Values |
92.5 |
A | 4.0 |
89.5 | A- | 3.667 |
86.5 | B+ | 3.333 |
82.5 | B | 3.0 |
79.5 | B- | 2.667 |
76.5 | C+ | 2.333 |
72.5 | C | 2.0 |
69.5 | C- | 1.667 |
66.5 | D+ | 1.333 |
62.5 | D | 1.0 |
59.5 | D- | 0.667 |
0 | NC | Ø |
Pass (P) and No Credit (NC) are not included in the GPA Calculation.
Ø refers to no score attributed to GPA Calculation.
GPA/Class Rank/Percentile
GPA is calculated by dividing the sum total of the GPA value of grades earned by the total number of grades earned. In alignment with school board policy, HHS does not calculate or record class rank. Percentile shows at percentile a scholar is within the context of the entire class.
Click on the department to review the frequently asked questions (FAQs):
Language Arts
FAQs for Rising Sophomores
FAQs for Rising Juniors
FAQs for Rising Seniors
Answers to other frequently asked questions:
- How do I register for study hall?
- You can’t register for study hall. We encourage all students to take a full load (16 credits) of classes. If a course doesn’t load into a students schedule then a study hall will be placed in the empty block or counselors can get you in a study hall once schedules are sent out.
- You can’t register for study hall. We encourage all students to take a full load (16 credits) of classes. If a course doesn’t load into a students schedule then a study hall will be placed in the empty block or counselors can get you in a study hall once schedules are sent out.
- What’s the course # for HTC classes?
- All HTC classes have the same course # 070023. Students should register for a full load (16 credits) of classes and schedule an appointment to see a counselor to apply for HTC.
- All HTC classes have the same course # 070023. Students should register for a full load (16 credits) of classes and schedule an appointment to see a counselor to apply for HTC.
- How do I register for Senior Release?
- You can’t register for senior release. We encourage all students to take a full load (16 credits) of classes. When students receive their schedules in the summer, they can arrange for a senior release during 1st or 4th block only.
- You can’t register for senior release. We encourage all students to take a full load (16 credits) of classes. When students receive their schedules in the summer, they can arrange for a senior release during 1st or 4th block only.
- How do I register for ProPEL?
- Students who are interested in ProPEL must submit an application. They should register for a full load (16 credits) of classes; those who are admitted into ProPEL will work with Kirsten Slinde, Jesse Theirl, and counselors to remove course requests.
- Students who are interested in ProPEL must submit an application. They should register for a full load (16 credits) of classes; those who are admitted into ProPEL will work with Kirsten Slinde, Jesse Theirl, and counselors to remove course requests.
- How do I register for PSEO?
- Students who are interested in PSEO must work with their counselor. They should register for a full load (16 credits) of classes, then counselors will make necessary schedule changes once they know when in the schedule the PSEO will be.