Course Registration

2025-2026 School Year

Hopkins High School offers a comprehensive academic program designed for students with differing abilities and goals, including Advanced Placement, College in the Schools, honors classes, language immersion, and vocational training opportunities and foundations classes.

Our students may elect to participate in internships, mentorships, community involvement programs, or independent study in addition to their regular coursework. College courses may be taken through Minnesota's Post-Secondary Educational Options (PSEO) Program.

We offer approximately 250 courses, either one, two, three or four terms in length. Below you can browse the various curriculum departments available at Hopkins High School. 

Register for Classes

Group of High School students engaged in conversation circle.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the Hopkins High School Counseling Office at 952-988-4521.

Schedule & Credits


Hopkins High School is on a 4-block schedule. Students take 4 classes per day. Students will have an Advisory period called Royals Connect which is a space for academic support, SEL lessons from Character Strong, and announcements and logistics from the school.

The school year is divided into four 9-week terms. Courses are offered in lengths of either 1 (9 weeks), 2 (18 weeks), 3 (27 weeks), or 4 (36 weeks) terms. Music and selected courses offered by other departments are held on an Alternating Blue/Silver Day schedule.


A student earns 1 credit toward graduation for each term/block equivalent of a course for which the student receives a passing grade. For courses that are 2 or 3 terms long, a grade is posted and a credit is earned after each term. Students do not earn credit for Royals Connect. Students should register for 16 credits and 3 alternate courses each year. 

How to Register

Registration Calendar for 2025-2026 School Year

Jan. 27-Jan. 31 High school shares registration information in Royals Connect.
Jan. 28-29 Counselors visit West Middle School to present registration information.
Jan. 30-31 Counselors visit North Middle School to present registration information.
Feb. 5 Registration Information Night
Feb. 7 Middle School Registration Window Deadline
Feb. 14 High School Registration Window Deadline

More information about how to register for the 2025-26 school year is coming soon!

How to Register by Class

View Courses


Graduation Requirements

HHS Graduation Requirements

Credit Breakdown by Department

Language Arts
(8 Credits)

English 9


American Literature

Global Literature 1


Language Arts Electives 2
Social Studies
(8 Credits)

World History


U.S. History


U.S. Government


Social Studies Electives

(6 credits)



Algebra 2


Math Electives


(6 credits)

Science 9




Chemistry or Physics

Health Science
(1.5 credit)

Health & PE 9

Health Science 1
(1.5 credits)

Health & PE 9

PE 10: Personalized Fitness 1
(1 credit)

Personal Finance

Fine Arts
(2 credits)

Art or Music courses

(none required)

(Any Language)


(All Electives)


Total Credits Required for Graduation:


Hopkins High School graduation requirements may not meet your college's admission requirements.



Examples of college admission requirements

If you plan to pursue post-secondary education, please ensure that the courses you take at Hopkins High School prepare you for entering the education institution of your choice. For some examples of admission requirements at three universities in Minnesota, please click the links below to check that your high school courses meet the admission criteria. 


Grading at Hopkins High School

All courses use the same grading curve as listed below.  HHS calculates cumulative and term GPAs on a 4.0 unweighted scale.


Letter Grades GPA Values


A 4.0
89.5 A- 3.667
86.5 B+ 3.333
82.5 B 3.0
79.5 B- 2.667
76.5 C+ 2.333
72.5 C 2.0
69.5 C- 1.667
66.5 D+ 1.333
62.5 D 1.0
59.5 D- 0.667
0 NC Ø

Pass (P) and No Credit (NC) are not included in the GPA Calculation.
Ø refers to no score attributed to GPA Calculation. 

GPA/Class Rank/Percentile

GPA is calculated by dividing the sum total of the GPA value of grades earned by the total number of grades earned. In alignment with school board policy, HHS does not calculate or record class rank. Percentile shows at percentile a scholar is within the context of the entire class. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the department to review the frequently asked questions (FAQs):

Business Slideshow

Language Arts
FAQs for Rising Sophomores
FAQs for Rising Juniors
FAQs for Rising Seniors

Math FAQs

Music FAQs

Technology Education

World Language FAQs

Answers to other frequently asked questions:

  • How do I register for study hall?
    • You can’t register for study hall.  We encourage all students to take a full load (16 credits) of classes.  If a course doesn’t load into a students schedule then a study hall will be placed in the empty block or counselors can get you in a study hall once schedules are sent out.
  • What’s the course # for HTC classes?
    • All HTC classes have the same course # 070023.  Students should register for a full load (16 credits) of classes and schedule an appointment to see a counselor to apply for HTC.
  • How do I register for Senior Release?
    • You can’t register for senior release.  We encourage all students to take a full load (16 credits) of classes. When students receive their schedules in the summer, they can arrange for a senior release during 1st or 4th block only.
  • How do I register for ProPEL?
    • Students who are interested in ProPEL must submit an application.  They should register for a full load (16 credits) of classes; those who are admitted into ProPEL will work with Kirsten Slinde, Jesse Theirl, and counselors to remove course requests.
  • How do I register for PSEO?
    • Students who are interested in PSEO must work with their counselor.  They should register for a full load (16 credits) of classes, then counselors will make necessary schedule changes once they know when in the schedule the PSEO will be.