Hopkins High School uses the MLA Eighth Edition (2016) Style Guide.
Purdue OWL is an exceptional site that will show you how to cite sources, how to do in-text citations, and how to format your research paper. Every student has a Noodletools account which can help cite sources, create outlines, and create notecards. To learn more, please contact Emily Lundberg at Emily.Lundberg@HopkinsSchools.org or stop by the HHS Media Center.
Formatting Your Report or Research Paper
Recommendations from the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (Gibaldi), for formatting guidelines when preparing papers for classes.
- Typeface: Use Times New Roman, in 12 pt. size.
- Spacing: Use double-spacing throughout your paper.
- Page numbers: Open a Google Doc. Insert a Header. Then insert Page Number and choose top of page (no title page). Type your last name, then a space, and 1. As you go to the next page, it will automatically advance to page 2 and so on. Do not use the abbreviation p. with the page number, or any other symbol or punctuation.
Here is an example of a formatted document:
Royalman 1
Jacob Royalman
Mr. Harris
Honors Biology
1 November 2021
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis: A New Tool for Criminal Investigations